

Simple method to find putative CpG islands in DNA sequences by using a sliding window and merging overlapping windows satisfying the CpG island definition. Results can be saved in bed and tsv format.

In order for a CpG island to be called, it must fulfill three criteria:


pycometh CGI_Finder [-h] -f REF_FASTA_FN [-b OUTPUT_BED_FN] [-t OUTPUT_TSV_FN] [-m MERGE_GAP] 
                    [-w MIN_WIN_LEN] [-c MIN_CG_FREQ] [-r MIN_OBS_CG_RATIO] [-v] [-q] [-p]


Output files

Tabulated TSV file

This tabulated file contains the following fields for each CpG island found:

BED file

Minimal standard genomic BED3 format listing the coordinates of putative CpG islands.