

Generate a fully responsive interactive HTML report for significant differentially methylated intervals found with pycoMeth Meth_Comp.


pycometh Comp_Report [-h] -i [H5_FILE_LIST [H5_FILE_LIST ...]] -f REF_FASTA_FN [-r READ_GROUPS_KEY] -c
                     METHCOMP_FN -g GFF3_FN [-o OUTDIR] [-s [SAMPLE_ID_LIST [SAMPLE_ID_LIST ...]]] 
                     [-d MAX_TSS_DISTANCE] [--pvalue_threshold PVALUE_THRESHOLD] [-n N_TOP]
                     [--min_diff_bs MIN_DIFF_BS] [--n_len_bin N_LEN_BIN] [--export_static_plots]
                     [--report_non_significant] [-v] [-q] [-p] [--min_diff_llr MIN_DIFF_LLR]


Input files

pycoMeth CpG_Aggregate or Interval_Aggregate output file

A TSV output files generated with pycoMeth Meth_comp.

Reference GFF3 file

An Ensembl GFF3 file containing genomic annotations to extract transcripts with TSS close to the top most significant CpG Intervals.

Reference FASTA file

FASTA reference file used for read alignment and Nanopolish. This file is required and used to sort the chromosomes in the ideogram plot.

Output files

Summary HTML report (pycoMeth_summary_report.html)

Entry point to the report containing information of methylation status at genomic level.

Example Summary report

The report contains the following items:

Top intervals HTML reports

Individual reports for the top differentially methylated interval candidates. The right side navigation bar allows to explore all the other intervals or go back to the summary report.

Example Interval report

The report contains the following items: