
class SpatialDE.TissueSegmentation(converged, status, labels, class_probabilities, gammahat_1, gammahat_2, niter, prune_iterations, elbo_trace, nclasses_trace)

Results of tissue segmentation.

  • converged (bool) – Whether the optimization converged.

  • status (TissueSegmentationStatus) – Status of the optimization.

  • labels (ndarray) – The estimated region labels.

  • class_probabilities (ndarray) – N_obs x N_regions array with the estimated region probabilities for each observation.

  • gammahat_1 (ndarray) – N_classes x N_genes array with the estimated parameter of the gene expression posterior.

  • gammahat_2 (ndarray) – N_classes x 1 array with the estimated parameter of the gene expression posterior.

  • niter (int) – Number of iterations for the optimization.

  • prune_iterations (ndarray) – Iterations at which unneeded regions were removed.

  • elbo_trace (ndarray) – ELBO values at each iteration.

  • nclasses_trace (ndarray) – Number of regions at each iteration.